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How is the sealing design of cosmetic pumps achieved?

In the beauty industry, the sealing design of cosmetic pumps is a crucial technological innovation, which is directly related to the shelf life, hygiene and safety of cosmetics and user experience.
Double-layer sealing structure
A common and effective sealing design is a double-layer sealing structure. This means that there is an independent sealing barrier on the inside and outside of the pump system, blocking the entry of outside air and bacteria. The external seal is usually made of highly elastic rubber or silicone material to ensure that the pump system is not affected by external contamination during product storage and use. The internal seal is mainly located at the contact surface between the liquid and other parts of the pump system, effectively preventing leakage and deterioration of ingredients inside the cosmetics.
Anti-flip design
In order to prevent liquid leakage when the pump is inverted, some advanced cosmetic pumps adopt anti-inversion designs. This is usually achieved by setting a special valve structure at the bottom of the pump head, which will only open during normal use. Once it is inverted, the valve will close immediately to prevent liquid from flowing out. This design not only improves the safety of use of the pump, but also avoids the inconvenience of users when carrying cosmetics.
Air tightness test
In order to ensure sealing performance, cosmetic pumps usually undergo strict air tightness testing during the production process. This test detects whether there are leaks in the system by injecting gas or vacuuming the pump system to ensure the integrity of the sealing structure. Air tightness testing is a critical step for manufacturers to ensure product quality and is an essential part of complying with industry standards and regulations.
Material selection and compatibility
Sealing design is not only related to structure, but also closely related to material selection and compatibility. Sealing materials must have properties such as chemical resistance, high temperature resistance, and low temperature resistance to ensure that good sealing performance can be maintained under different conditions. At the same time, the sealing material needs to be compatible with the ingredients in the cosmetics to prevent dissolution or deterioration of the material from adversely affecting product quality.
High-precision machining technology
The success of sealing design also relies on high-precision processing technology. Pump components need to be manufactured and assembled with precision to ensure optimal fit between the various parts. Advanced processing technology and equipment can ensure a high degree of consistency in the microscopic shape and size of the sealing structure, thereby improving sealing performance.
Application of coating technology
In order to improve the corrosion resistance and hardness of the pump surface, some manufacturers use coating technology. By coating the pump surface with a metal or ceramic film, it can not only increase the hardness of the surface and extend the service life of the pump, but also improve the resistance of the pump surface to chemical components, thereby further improving the sealing performance.
Handling and prevention of common problems
Sealing design needs to take into account some common problems, such as wear of the pump system, aging of seals, etc. Manufacturers usually use easy-to-replace structures in their designs to facilitate users to replace seals when problems occur and extend the service life of the product. At the same time, preventive measures, such as using wear-resistant materials and providing a good lubrication system, can also help reduce the incidence of these problems.